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The 1000++ Artworks created around 1925 and containing the word fernand leger, cubism, men, portraits, 1925

Fernand Leger - Three WomenThree WomenFernand Leger
184 x 252 cm, (1921)

This painting represents a group of three reclining nudes drinking tea or coffee in a chic apartment. While the reclining nude is a common subject in art history, these women's bodies have been simplified into rounded and dislocated forms, their skin not soft but firm, buffed, and polished. The mach...

The Museum of Modern Art (New York City, United States)
Pablo Picasso - The Three MusiciansThe Three MusiciansPablo Picasso

Three Musicians is the title of two similar collage and oil paintings by Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. They were both completed in 1921 in Fontainebleau near Paris, France, and exemplify the Synthetic Cubist style. One version is currently owned by the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City; t...

The Museum of Modern Art (New York City, United States)